Membership Details


Types of Memberships

Annual Membership

Adult - 18 to 79 years of age - $195

Junior - 5 to 17 Years of age - $75

Senior - 80 years of age and over - $140

Social - A non-riding member - $35

A portion of your membership fee goes to ATHRA (the National Body that looks after insurance and more); with $35 going towards your membership of the Albany Equestrian Centre - this means you can use the grounds and hire some of the venue at a reduced rate. A full breakdown is shown below:

Adult 18-79yrs 120 40 35 195
Junior 5-17yrs 35 5 35 75
Senior 80yrs plus 65 40 35 140
Social/non rider 30 5 ** 35
Day 20 10 30

** For events held on the AEC grounds, rider will need to pay AEC Day Membership or be a financial member of the AEC.

ATHRA: Australian Trail Horse Riders Association
ANTS: Albany Natural Trailriders
AEC: Albany Equestrian Centre


Day Membership

Riders who are not ANTs members may be eligible to ride with our club.

Not an ATHRA member and not an ANTs member:

If a rider is not a member of ATHRA, they can purchase a Day membership from the ATHRA website, twice in a riding calendar year.

It is important to talk to the event organiser before you purchase the Day membership, as we are unable to give refunds when a Day payment has been processed and it is not transferable.

The payment will be $30 / event. This is made up of $20 to ATHRA (which includes insurance cover) and $10 to ANTs.

Our preference is that you first attend one of our training rides, so that we can gauge the skills of both the horse and rider.

ATHRA member but not an ANTs member:

ATHRA members will need to RSVP to the event and advise the organiser that they are a member of another ATHRA club.

ATHRA riders will need to pay $10 to ANTs, on or before the event, to the event organiser. There may be additional charges, depending on the event type (e.g. a camping weekend) but this will be advertised.

How to Apply or Renew

Click on the button below to apply for, or renew your membership.

For any questions on membership or anything that we do, please email or contact us through our Facebook Page